Sunday 28 December 2014

Winter Game for Your Primary Classroom

Here is a fun and simple winter game to play in your primary classroom.  It works well as a brain break movement activity, for indoor recess, or as a social interaction activity.

Winter Activities Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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I am not sure where this game originated, but I do know it is a student favorite!  It is called, "Who Has the Ice Cube?"  The students sit in a circle.  You will need one baggie of ice cubes.  Choose one student to be Jack Frost.  The student goes to the center of the circle and hides his eyes.  The remaining students pass the bag around the circle while music is playing.  When the music stops, the students stop passing the ice cubes.  Jack Frost tries to guess who has the ice cubes.  The student with the ice cubes  becomes Jack Frost.  The game is then repeated.  To tie in subject area content, the student must answer a question before become Jack Frost.  These plastic ices cubes also work well from our Amazon affiliate store:

More winter activities from our 

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