Sunday 26 April 2015

Support Aviation and Vote!

99s are Finalists!

The 99s are thrilled to be a finalist in the 2015 annual Lightspeed Aviation Grant Competition. Selected from a field of hundreds of nominees, they are one of 12 aviation charities competing for grants up to $10,000 Lightspeed will award to the aviation nonprofits receiving the highest Internet vote tallies in its 6th annual grant competition. 

With votes from aviation enthusiasts, the aviation community, members, friends and family, the 99s can win the 2015 grant competition and use the Lightspeed grant to increase their outreach and presence at regional aviation events and publicize and award another Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship at Oshkosh. The scholarship will provide young women between the ages of 16 and 20 with funding for flight training through their first solo and beyond.

99s need your help!

Support aviation scholarships
and a terrific nonprofit organization

by voting for the 99s at:

Grant competition voting began 
Voting is underway and ends October 14, 2015. 
Lightspeed keeps track of them by email address.

Leave a comment below, and for everyone who votes you will be entered into a drawing. One lucky winner to receive an autographed copy of Flight To Success, Be the Captain of Your Life,  another, a copy of Flight For Control and another will receive a copy of Flight For Safety to gift to a friend.
Leave your name below and say, "I voted! And gifting my book to:.... because.... " and you're in! Then share the link with your social media groups and send them this way to vote too.

Drawing will be October 14, with the end of the contest entry. Plan on gifting the book to someone you care about, share the link with them and tell them your plans, and then ask them to pay if forward and plan on gifting the book to another. Let's see how many people we can get to try and win a copy of a book for a friend, and give the gift of flight at the same time.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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