Saturday 18 July 2015

AviatorCast at

While I won't make Oshkosh this year, my friends from Angle of Attack at AviatorCast Podcast will be there! Find them, say hello, and get your photo with Chris or any of his team, and send it my way. I will add you to a drawing to win an autographed copy of:

A message from Chris:

"Oshkosh 2014 was all about getting the lay of the land. This year, AviatorCast is coming in force to OSH15. I’ve got a nice portable setup that’ll allow me to capture some great things from the goings on.

As you know from our interview, AviatorCast is not just a ‘news cast’. Plenty of others carry the news. AviatorCast for me is personal, approachable and real- very much about the passion of what we do and why we do it.

That’s why I’d love to meetup at some point and get some quick thoughts and impressions, what’s new, etc. Most everyone goes to Oshkosh to talk shop anyway, so it’s natural.

So, a few quick questions:

If you will be at Oshkosh, what would be a time we could meet-up and talk? (I’m thinking we limit things to 15-30 minutes on these little blurbs.)

Whether or not you will be at Oshkosh, have you heard of anything interesting going on, or know of great guests that I could get in contact with? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and perhaps be put in touch with some compelling guests.

Get Your Shirt!

Also, I’ve made up some awesome t-shirts to share with AviatorCast guests and listeners. If this shirt looks cool to you, and is something you’d actually wear, I’d love to give you one as a token of my appreciation for supporting AviatorCast.

That said, I know you’re looking for ROI with the time you’ve spent on AviatorCast. I’m committed to helping you promote your products, ideas, and initiatives you’re looking to grow. I feel the best way to do that is by reaching out to a larger audience, continually improving the quality of the show, and always keeping that deep, personal connection and love for aviation.

Bottom line- I’d love to meet up at Oshkosh and/or use any of the ideas you may have for the event.

Can’t wait to catch up with you all!

Throttle On!"

Enjoy the Journey!

XO Karlene

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