Wednesday 2 March 2016

Week 27 (Thurs-Fri)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016-
Friday, March 4th, 2016

  • Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
    • Student Friendly Translation: I can use my knowledge of the order of operations to create equivalent expressions. 
  • Puedo usar mi conocimiento de la orden de las operaciones para crear expresiones equivalentes .

Students will be able to...
  • Recognize like terms.
  • Use like terms to simplify expressions.
  • Add and subtract polynomials both vertically and horizontally. 

  • Reconocer los términos semejantes.
  • Utilice términos semejantes para simplificar expresiones.
  • Sumar y restar polinomios tanto vertical como horizontalmente.

  • DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

    Daily Dose of Math

    1.  What does term mean?
    2. What does like term mean?

    Things Needed for Today:
    • Math Notebook
    • Pencil & Eraser

    Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

    • Whole Group:
      1. Collect Homework/Stamp Agendas
      2. Review Do Now
      3. Number Talks

    •  Just Cross The Finished Line?
      • Write HW in agenda and leave it out for Ms. Trang to be stamped
      • Complete HW below
      • Free Rice
      • Wonderopolis
      • Complete any Achieve 3000 articles that you need to finish completing
      • Read your Stop, Drop, and Read Book 

    • Variable and Verbal Expressions
    • Variable Expressions

    Now You Try: (Handout) 

    • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
      • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
      • Title it 
      • March 3 (Only Periods 1, 3, 5)
      • On March 3, 2005, Steve Fossett became the first person to single-handedly fly around the world. Without stopping or refueling, Steve flew around the world in sixty-seven hours, two minutes and thirty-eight seconds. Dream big… what would you like to be the “First Person in the World” to do?
      • March 4 (Only Periods 2,6)
        Today is the beginning of Mardi Gras.  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Mardi Gras and summarize them in your own words


      Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band! 

    What I learned from Crocheting a Dish Scrubbie

    This week in my 2016 quest to learn to crochet, I made myself a couple of dish scrubbies.

    I've been browsing my Crochet Pinterest Board to find things to make and settled on this pattern on Ravelry for a spiral scrubbie.

    The pattern looked fairly straightforward, and there was also a Youtube video of the tutorial which I watched as well.

    You basically crochet a diamond shape and then stitch it together to form the spiral scrubbie.

    My first attempt went a little wonky.

    It took me a while to 'understand' what I was doing with the pattern.
    In the end it was a very straightforward - increase the row by 2 stitches on one end, and decrease by 2 on the other end.
    It's all worked in single crochet.

    I learned that it can be very important where you put your crochet hook in the stitches. For this scrubbie - you have to crochet in the back loop to create ridges in the crochet - just what you need for a scrubbie!!
    So I learned what the 'back loop' is 
    (working this crochet from right to left)

    So here's my first finished scrubbie. Despite being a little wonky, once stitched it seems to look OK.

    I had to make another one straight away to try and get it more even, and reinforce what I'd just learned.
    This one turned out much better - although I had fewer stitches in each row at the end than I started with. Not sure how I managed that...

    Stitching it together is very straightforward - you fold the corners over to make a tube, stitch that, then weave around both edges of the tube and pull tight to create the round scrubbie.  I also added a chain stitch loop on this second one as mentioned on the PDF version of the pattern, so I can hang this one up!

    So there you have my two crochet dish scrubbies.

    I timed myself making the second one and all up it took 45 minutes. 
    (I was just curious as to the time)

    I'm very pleased with this week's crochet creations and am looking forward to using them and seeing how effective they are at cleaning my dishes! Maybe I can persuade my girls to be the official 'scrubbie testers'  They might think washing dishes is more interesting with pretty coloured scrubbies to use!

    I haven't yet decided what to try making next week - any suggestions welcome as always!

    I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and direct links can be found on my linky party page

    Week 27 (Wed)

    Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

    • Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
      • Student Friendly Translation: I can use my knowledge of the order of operations to create equivalent expressions. 
    • Puedo usar mi conocimiento de la orden de las operaciones para crear expresiones equivalentes .

    Students will be able to...
    • Solve equations with parentheses, brackets, & braces
    • Use PEMDAS
    • Understand why we group

    DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

    Daily Dose of Math

    1.  7x + 5y - 2 + y + 12y

    Things Needed for Today:
    • Pencil & Eraser
    • Scratch Paper

    Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

    • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
      • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
      • Title it 
      • March 2 (Only Periods 1, 2, 3, 5,6)
      • March 2nd is “Read Across America Day” in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  Explain to a younger student why it’s important to learn how to read.
    • Start reading Chapter 7


      Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band! 

    Airbus, A330 Cost Index

    How to Use a Cost Index to Your Advantage: 

    I had the great opportunity to fly with an instructor a couple weeks ago who was conducting training.  When we pay attention lessons come from many places.

    Cost Index Lesson:

    "The PERF descent page is hard tuned for .81/300 (variable) as I reach top of climb, and am not expecting a change in course (this will cause a change in fuel burns/times) all step climbs per flight plan are entered and constant mach entries are not entered at this time for a more pure fuel burn. I set up the following template on the right side of the flight plan:

    Example of MCDU page values:

    Cost Index UTC time /EFOB
    100  1738Z / 20.9
    75    1740Z / 21.2
    50    1743Z / 21.9
    25    1745Z / 22.0
    0      1748Z / 22.1

    (Flight plan cost index can be used instead, that is closest to above 25 increment C/I)

    Depending in your interpretation, and needs (target landing window) Cost Index (CI) of 50 appears to give a 1000# fuel savings for an added +5 min as compared to CI 100, and a 700# savings for only a +3 min increase. CI of 25 and 0 do not appear to be that advantageous for the small fuel savings regarding increased time.

    After a CI is determined for the flight i.e.. 50 in this case, I go to Flt plan page and a Mach template is set up to see what computer is showing for crossing mach segment, and note the Mach/UTC/EFOB in this case .81M 1745Z / 22.2 appears to be best for this scenario:

    Example of MCDU page values:

    Mach UTC time/ EFOB
    .82M 1743Z / 21.6
    .81M 1745Z / 22.2
    .80M 1748Z / 22.3
    .79M 1750Z / 22.2

    Again, depending on your interpretation and needs (target landing window) .81M appears to be most cost effective for this flight. Also note that there sometimes is a change in time/EFOB when a hard Mach is entered for the constant mach segment. Trying to do better than Flight plan values, as we know they will not be the same.

    The above procedure is a little time consuming, but in most cases I have been able to average 1500 to 5000 lbs of extra fuel on arrival. I also try to climb to a higher altitude when it shows beneficial in the step climb computer."

    Enjoy the Journey!
    XO Karlene

    Monday 29 February 2016

    A new duffel bag for my daughter.

    I love when my daughters ask me to make things for them.
    Last week, my eldest asked if I could make her a new swimming bag. 

    I made both my girls duffel bags for swimming about three years ago.  This is the one I made my eldest - when it was brand new.

    Since she swims almost every day, this bag has had a lot of use and now looks very well worn.

    So - only to happy to oblige, I got out my fabric for her to choose what she wanted and whipped up this new one for her!

    2 Handles

    Plus a shoulder strap

    The inside is fully waterproof fabric, important for soggy towels and togs! Plus there's one zipped pocket too.

    The duffel bags are made using my free 

    The pattern covers 4 sizes as shown in the picture above.
    The swimming bag I made for my daughter was a slightly different size - the measurements for that can be found here.

    I also have over 100 other free sewing tutorials available for all levels of sewing ability and to make all kinds of different things.
    You can browse them all here.

    I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and direct links can be found on my linky party page.

    Weel 27 (Mon-Tues)

    Monday, February 29th, 2016-
    Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

      Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
      Student Friendly Translation: I can use the text in a story to support my analysis of the story and to draw inferences.
      Puedo utilizar el texto en una historia para apoyar mi análisis de la historia y para sacar conclusiones .

    Students will be able to...
    • Understand sensory and imagery used in Hatchet Chapter 4 
    • Entender sensorial y las imágenes utilizados en Hatchet Capítulo 4

          DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

          Daily Dose of Grammar

          Using sensory detail and the 5 senses, describe your favorite food. 

          Things Needed for Today:
          • ELA Notebook
          • Pencil & Eraser

          Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

          • Whole Group:
            1. Collect Homework/Stamp Agendas
            2. Review Do Now
            3. Go Over Agenda & Explain Homework
            4. Chapter 6 Pop Quiz 
            5. Correct Pop Quiz/Vocabulary
            6. Chapter 6 Discussion Questions

          Discussion Questions:

          1. Brian chose to locate his shelter close to the lake. Explain his reasoning.
          2. Brian was so used to the ready availability of food that he was not prepared to seek it in the wilderness. What did he finally do?
          3. Whom did Brian blame for his predicament? Evaluate his thinking.

          Independent Station

          1. Achieve3000

            • STEP 1:
            • Achieve3000
              • Readings: Two Brother Give Back
                1. Plug in your headphones
                2. Log in to in a NEW TAB
                (Username= ZScaler WITHOUT @alliance.lan password = ZScaler password)
                3. Complete the Before Reading Poll
                4. Read & Listen to the VOCABULARY
                5. Read the ARTICLE. (You MUST listen to the article as you read!)
                6. After each paragraph, STOP and fill in at least 1 sentence in the SUMMARIZE box.
                7. When you do the ACTIVITY, refer back to the article for answers by opening it in a new tab.
                8. Write the title and your 1st-try score on your self-monitoring scoresheet.
                9. Complete the After Reading Poll
                10. On the Thought Question, click on "Include in Your Answer" so you can score a 3 or above.

            STEP 2:
            •  Just Cross The Finished Line?
              • Write HW in agenda and leave it out for Ms. Trang to be stamped
              • Complete HW below
              • Free Rice
              • Complete any Achieve 3000 articles that you need to finish completing
              • Read your Stop, Drop, and Read Book 

            1st DIRECT STATION: 
            • Recap Ch.5 & 6
            • Sensory Worksheet continued
            • Vocabulary
            • 2nd DIRECT STATION:
              • Recap Ch. 5 & 6
              • Sensory Worksheet continued
              • Vocabulary

              • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
                • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
                • Title it 
                • February 29 (Only Periods 1, 3, 5)
                • Today is Leap year and February 29 only happens every 4 year. Write about somethings special you plan to do that you will remember for the next 4 years.
                • March 1 (Only Periods 2,6)
                      Today is peanut butter loving day. Chunky or smooth? With or without jelly? How do you  like your peanut butter, if you like it at all? In a few sentences, describe the experience of eating peanut butter without an accompanying drink. If you have never tasted peanut butter, then instead describe the experience of eating saltines without the benefit of a drink.
              • Chapter 5 & 6 Vocabulary (Test on Wednesday!) 
              1. Amphibious
              2. Asset
              3. Blister
              4. Device
              5. Diminish
              6. Frantic
              7. Glacial
              8. Interlaced
              9. Jumble
              10. Ledge
              11. Pitiful
              12. Pulverize
              13. Twinge
              14. Viciously 

                • REMINDER: 

                  Pennies for Patients

                  Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band!