Wednesday 15 October 2014

Shadow a Student for a Day

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Have you ever shadowed a student for a day?  Could you walk a mile in their shoes?  Veteran teacher, Grant Wiggins, did it for a day.  He shares the daily schedule, what he did in each class, his takeaways, and what he would do if he could go back (he is retired) to do it all again.  It is an extremely powerful read.  I think it would be great to use at the beginning of every single school year - whether teachers have read it a million time or not.  Better yet, arrange to make it possible for teachers to shadow a student throughout the day.  Would the results be different for K-3, 4-5, junior high or high school?  Why? Should the results be different?

Could you walk a mile in your students' shoes?

Head on over to read this great article by Grant Wiggins.

Task cards are also a great way to create movement in the classroom.  
Click HERE to see 20 ways to use task cards in your classroom!

Check out these great products to create movement in your classroom!

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