Thursday 30 July 2015

Wallowa County 2015 Fly In

Supporting Aviation!

2015 Wallowa County Fly In

August 8th
Starting at 7 am!  

Pancake Breakfast and Raffle 
Then the fun continues....

With a Musical Festival in Town!

Fly In is Sponsored by 
the Wallowa County Pilots Association 
and the

Message from Sonja Locke:

"Aviation plays an important role in rural communities such as Wallowa County in the northeastern corner of Oregon. General aviation provides both a link to the outside world for emergency services as well as recreational opportunities in the backcountry.

The purpose of the Wallowa County Pilots Association is to promote general aviation and work to keep our backcountry strips open and maintained as another method to enjoy the vast wilderness area right in our own back yard. These strips also serve as emergency evacuation for injured recreationalist or as a supply chain for businesses in remote areas.

In order to promote aviation and educate the public on it’s benefits, each year the Wallowa County Pilots Association and Chief Joseph Flyers hold a fly in at the Joseph State Airport. Featured attractions include classic aircraft such as the only flying Boeing B40, a DC-3, and a Stearman among others. We also give free airplane rides and serve a pancake breakfast.

This year to help defray some of the costs, we have decided to sell raffle tickets for a generator. It’s a perfect tool to load up into an airplane or an RV and bring on a camping trip or use to provide power for a work party at one of the airstrips in the backcountry.

We hope that your company can help us with this endeavor to promote and keep general aviation alive and well in small communities."

You can help
keep the aviation dream alive!
Buy your Raffle Tickets!

You can win without being at the Fly In

Raffle continues until August 8th!
  • One hour of flight + one hour of ground instruction ( or a local flight in the event that a non-citizen should win it) provided by the local flying club Chief Joseph Flyers.
  • Coffee basket value $200

Tickets may be purchased via email to:

Tickets are only $5 each. Donations to the event may be sent to: P O Box 754, Joseph OR 97846. Checks may be addressed to the Wallowa Pilots Association. Or... donate on PayPal!

Who is the woman behind the Raffle?

Sonja Locke, I am proud to say is my friend, my coworker, and an amazing woman. Hard work, commitment, perseverance and dedication to achieving her dreams, has been a testament to what it takes to become a pilot. Her dedication to giving back to the aviation community is like none other. She is also married to a pilot, and raising a future pilot. Click on her name to read more... or, you may read her story in Flight To Success, Be the Captain of Your Life. 

Until August 8th (When the Raffle is complete)
order your copy of
Flight To Success Be the Captain of Your Life

off my blog and send me a message... 
"Supporting Aviation" and...

All proceeds will be donated to the
Wallowa Pilots Association!

Donations are also made easy:
Go to your PayPal account and send money to

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Monday 27 July 2015

Pilots Wanted!!!

"558,000 new pilots over the next two decades"


Great News for Pilot Careers!  

With this news comes a huge responsibility for the rest of us. We must hold the career to the highest standards, maintaining the financial reward for the dedication, commitment, and expense it takes to become a pilot. This is the only way we will be able to recruit and retain the highest caliber of people. These future pilots will be responsible for your safety, as the skies become saturated with complex aircraft. 

The new aviation world has many challenges, 
but is so worth the effort.

I am in Shanghai right now, and have the day to finish my Law and System's Engineering finals before I fly back to Seattle. The first year of school is almost complete as I continue to work towards my one wish. 

Want to Be a Pilot? 

The continuation of my career is dedicated to 
making yours the best it can be. 

to learn more.

Enjoy the journey!
XO Karlene 

Classroom Behavior Management - What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment?

Special Education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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An FBA is a Functional Behavioral Assessement. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act does not define how a functional behavioral assessment is done. The process may vary with the needs of each child. However, several specific steps are always part of this kind of assessment. The process begins with identifying the specific behaviors that must change. If a child has many problem behaviors, it will be important to focus on the most serious one or two behaviors. The problem behaviors are described in a way that helps everyone to understand exactly what the behaviors are.

These are typical steps:

* Identify and agree on the behavior(s) that most need to change.

* Determine where the behaviors occur and where they do not. Identify what may contribute to the behaviors. The team will ask these kinds of questions:

1. What is unique about the environments where behaviors are not a concern?

2. What is different in the places where the problem behaviors do occur? Could they be related to how the child and teacher get along? Does the number of other students or the work a child is asked to do cause the problem? Could the time of day or a child's mood affect the behaviors? Was there a bus problem or a disagreement in the hallway?

3. Are the behaviors likely to occur in a specific set of circumstances or a specific setting? What events seem to support the problem behaviors?

* Collect data on the child's performance from as many sources as possible.

* Develop a hypothesis about why problem behaviors occur (the function of the behaviors). A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on data. It helps predict where and why problem behaviors are most likely to occur, and where and why they are least likely to occur.

* Identify other behaviors that can be taught that will serve the same function for the child.

* Test the hypothesis. The team develops and uses positive behavioral interventions that are written into the child's IEP or behavior intervention plan.

* Evaluate the success of the interventions.

* Change or fine-tune as needed.

If children have behaviors that place them or others in danger, they may need a crisis intervention plan. Crisis interventions should be developed before they are needed. The team should decide what behaviors are crises and what they (and the child) will do in a crisis. By having a plan that guides actions, teachers can help children through difficult emotional situations.

  For a checklist of 175+ accommodations, click the picture:

Special Education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

For more information on including students with special needs:

To implement a plan of action:

Special Education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

Autism Help Strategies - 105 Pages!

Here is what you will receive:

Special Education Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success

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from our Teachers Pay Teachers Promoting-Success store.


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respiratory system

Monday 20 July 2015

Free Muscular System Activities for Science Human Body Unit (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Human Body Muscular System 

How do your 640 muscles all fit together and work to help you move around?  Help your students learn about the muscular system by using the teaching resources below!

We've produced helpful teaching resources to assist you in teaching the basics of the 
muscular system. We believe our YouTube video and FREE quiz will help your students in many areas including: using technology, reading comprehension, reading independently, test taking skills, human biology and 
muscular system basics. Thanks for visiting - enjoy!

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Amazon Affiliate products are found below.

Click HERE to download this FREE muscular system quiz to go along with the YouTube video below.

Visit our Promoting Success YouTube channel HERE!

Please subscribe while you are there!

Click below to watch our Muscular System video.



Click on the teaching resources below to view and purchase them at our Teacher's Pay Teachers store.

Muscular System Interactive Notebook

Your students will enjoy this lift the flap interactive notebook activity. Students are given strips on which to complete sentences using the word bank. Students may need to use classroom materials or research online for answers. Optional answer strips and a word bank are available for easy differentiation. Higher students may research their own facts to write under the flaps. Average students may fill in the blanks. Lower students may use the key to read and paste under the flaps.

Muscular System FREE Quiz 

Here is a free muscular system worksheet or quiz and answer key to go along with a free YouTube video. The video link is in the free download. This quiz and video makes a great addition to your science center activity.

Skeletal System Interactive Notebook

Your students will enjoy this lift the flap interactive notebook activity. Students are given strips on which to complete sentences using the word bank. Students may need to use classroom materials or research online for answers. Optional answer strips and a word bank are available for easy differentiation. Higher level students may write their own sentences under each flap.

Skeletal System FREE Quiz 

Here is a free skeletal system worksheet or quiz and answer key to go along with a free YouTube video. The video link is in the free download. This quiz and video makes a great addition to your science center activity.

Digestive System Interactive Notebook

Your students will enjoy this lift the flap interactive notebook activity. Students are given strips on which to complete sentences using the word bank. Students may need to use classroom materials or research online for answers. Optional answer strips and a word bank are available for easy differentiation. Higher level students may write their own sentences under each flap.

Here is a free digestive system worksheet or quiz and answer key to go along with a free youtube video. The video link is in the free download. This quiz and video makes a great addition to your science center activity.

Your students will enjoy this lift the flap interactive notebook activity. Students are given strips on which to complete sentences using the word bank. Students may need to use classroom materials or research online for answers. Optional answer strips and a word bank are available for easy differentiation. Higher level students may write their own sentences under each flap.

respiratory system

Respiratory System: Here is a free respiratory system worksheet or quiz and answer key to go along with a free video. The video link is in the free download. This quiz and video makes a great addition to your science center activity.

respiratory system

Human Body Systems Crossword Puzzle

In this human body systems activities packet, you will receive a printable human body systems vocabulary crossword puzzle worksheet, clues, word bank, and answer key. There are 25 human body words with clues and definitions that comprise the crossword puzzle games.

body system

This 36 page human body systems printable packet has several fun science activities to help your students learn about the human body systems. You will receive 26 "Which Body System Am I?" task cards, human body student response form worksheet plus key, human body task cards, human body game cards, student response game form plus key, and 10 more fun ideas and games to use these human body system task cards! 

You may also like these affiliate resources from Amazon:

Creative Teaching Press The Skeletal and Muscular Systems Chart

SmartLab Toys Squishy Human Body


CD-ROM, Human Body

The Muscular System Anatomical Chart Poster Print


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respiratory system

Passed My Multi-Engine Ride!

 Airline Pilot in the Making...

Jake Cullen passed his multi-ride, and now he's moving onto his Certified Flight Instructors rating (CFI). I asked Jake to share with me lessons learned. Here is what he said: 

 Lessons Learned 

"The first thing I learned...and this holds true for any type of flying...was that no matter what the situation, your first priority should always be to fly the airplane. During an emergency, simulated of course, I was shocked by how quickly you can get behind the airplane if you make ATC, or running through a checklist, the first priority. As important as those items are, the airplane is far more important."

Fly the Plane First!
Know Your Memory Items! 
"The second thing I learned was the importance of checklists, and to memorize the emergency flows. This definitely saved time during emergencies and helped me stay ahead of the airplane. During normal operations checklist usage was still really important as well because even though the aircraft I flew was not that complicated compared to some, it still wasn't the Cessna 172 I first trained in. There was way more to it."
Be Prepared! 
"And the third lesson I learned was that it is important to be prepared for anything. Flying with two engines is fun, but things can go south fast and you have to be ready. At first I was frustrated with how often we practiced single engine operations. However, after many times dealing with a dead engine, I began to realize how important it was to not get complacent and let your guard down."


Jake, Thank you for your lessons. An interesting fact is, at that on top of Northwest Airlines emergency checklist were written the words: Fly the Plane. These are words to live by. Also, for anyone preparing for, or are in the middle of any airline training program, you can take Jake's words with you: Know your memory items and be prepared for anything (and everything). If you can do that, success will be yours!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Saturday 18 July 2015

AviatorCast at

While I won't make Oshkosh this year, my friends from Angle of Attack at AviatorCast Podcast will be there! Find them, say hello, and get your photo with Chris or any of his team, and send it my way. I will add you to a drawing to win an autographed copy of:

A message from Chris:

"Oshkosh 2014 was all about getting the lay of the land. This year, AviatorCast is coming in force to OSH15. I’ve got a nice portable setup that’ll allow me to capture some great things from the goings on.

As you know from our interview, AviatorCast is not just a ‘news cast’. Plenty of others carry the news. AviatorCast for me is personal, approachable and real- very much about the passion of what we do and why we do it.

That’s why I’d love to meetup at some point and get some quick thoughts and impressions, what’s new, etc. Most everyone goes to Oshkosh to talk shop anyway, so it’s natural.

So, a few quick questions:

If you will be at Oshkosh, what would be a time we could meet-up and talk? (I’m thinking we limit things to 15-30 minutes on these little blurbs.)

Whether or not you will be at Oshkosh, have you heard of anything interesting going on, or know of great guests that I could get in contact with? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and perhaps be put in touch with some compelling guests.

Get Your Shirt!

Also, I’ve made up some awesome t-shirts to share with AviatorCast guests and listeners. If this shirt looks cool to you, and is something you’d actually wear, I’d love to give you one as a token of my appreciation for supporting AviatorCast.

That said, I know you’re looking for ROI with the time you’ve spent on AviatorCast. I’m committed to helping you promote your products, ideas, and initiatives you’re looking to grow. I feel the best way to do that is by reaching out to a larger audience, continually improving the quality of the show, and always keeping that deep, personal connection and love for aviation.

Bottom line- I’d love to meet up at Oshkosh and/or use any of the ideas you may have for the event.

Can’t wait to catch up with you all!

Throttle On!"

Enjoy the Journey!

XO Karlene

Friday 17 July 2015

Brandon Desjardins

Friday's Fabulous Flyer!

Brandon Desjardins (with his instructor)
Brandon Soloed!  

"Yesterday was a milestone in my flying 'career', I solo'd for the first time, it was an awesome feeling I was proud of myself and felt really good to be up in the sky by myself. They say no matter how long a pilot has been flying for, he never forgets his first solo! This is what I truly want, to spend my life in the skies, it's a passion and it's in my blood what can I say....the feeling of flying a plane will never get old!

I had a feeling deep down what was coming once we had landed from doing circuits and my Instructor asked "Do you have your medical, PSTAR, and radio license"? I knew what was up, I got that gut feeling. And then got out once we stopped and said "Do you know what you are doing"? I started getting excited and said "Yeah. Solo time"! 
 diagram showing RWY 18 and 22 at CYAV, St Andrews airport
So he got out and I wasn't nervous just excited really, so I taxied out to the runway and took off from RWY18 to do a circuit and land on 22. The feeling was just awesome being up there by myself and I had to kind of say "wait a minute I'm flying by myself" just being alone in the sky was amazing, I was really ecstatic and just excited. So once I turned downwind I was number 3 and I landed just as we had practiced so many times before it was a great moment, a quick solo but one I won't forget, just a really really proud moment of how far I've come and what's left to go!"

Congratulations Brandon!

May all your journeys be safe, skies blue, 
and landings on a runway!

Do any seasoned pilots 
have words of wisdom 
for Brandon?
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Wednesday 15 July 2015

There is Nothing You Can't Do!

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."
Walter Bagehot

Thank Jeremy Carlisle for sharing this powerful quote 

Not until I shared my story at my first talk, did I realize this was a central theme to my life. There has always been something that someone (or many) has told me I could not do. I proved them wrong, as have many of my friends.  If you want to read more on the power of doing the impossible, check out Flight To Success, Be The Captain of Your Life!

Enjoy the Journey
And always believe... you have the power!
XO Karlene