Friday 11 December 2015

Glacier Girl

Friday's Fabulous Flyer! 

 Glacier Girl

In July of 1942, during operation Bolero, six P-38 fighters and two B-17 bombers were on their way to the British Isles, and returned to Greenland due to inclement weather. These aircraft all made an emergency landing. The crewmembers were rescued, but the aircraft were subsequently buried under a couple hundred fee of snow and ice. 

I knew nothing of this story, but a friend sent me photos of Glacier girl today, and what a better Friday Flyer. She was one of the P-38 fighters of this 94th Fighter Squadron was rescued many years later, and restored.

If you want to know more, there is also a book. I'm thinking that this might be a really interesting read. I have not read it, but the adventure of digging up old bones and bringing them back to life is a noble mission, and the makings of an interesting story.

If anyone knows of Glacier Girl, we would love to know more of the story.  

This weekend is Christmas for me. Well, technically Thanksmas. The holiday we celebrate between Thanksgiving and Christmas and all grandkids are in town. Big news ... I'm also going to be a grandma again (next July)! That makes 8.

Happy Holidays!
Enjoy the Journey
XO Karlene 

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