Saturday 20 June 2015

Anyone Want a Cherokee?

Hottest Deal in the Air!


Message from the owner:

"I've owned two-seven whiskey for seven years, and "Katy" as she is called has been a great airplane for us. Because of her high full-fuel payload of 930# (after filling with 84 gallons of fuel) she can easily and legally carry four adults and 200 pounds of gear and go seven hours comfortably. We bought her to fly from Eugene, Oregon down to California on business, but no longer need that kind of range.

Full-fuel payload of 930#

I realized recently that we just do not need this much airplane, and I was not flying her enough to cover the fixed operating costs, and then just on local flights for business or pleasure. Someone is going to get a great deal at $49,900.

With fixed pitch prop and gear that is "down and welded" her maintenance and annual costs are as inexpensive as any Cherokee...but with 235 horses under the cowl and a big "Cherokee Six" wing, she blasts off fully loaded and can operate in high/hot density altitude situations easily. And she flies as nicely as any Cherokee or Archer/Warrior you've ever flown.

Katy has too many new or overhauled parts to list here, and she is ready to fly away tomorrow. I will miss her, she is part of our family, but the time has come to move on to something that is more suitable to my current mission of two people pout having fun chasing hamburgers."


For more information 

Dan Pimentel
Enjoy Journey...
And hopefully it will be with Katy!
 XO Karlene 

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