Monday 29 June 2015


Fact of Fiction... 

"A CFI tried to register a flying carpet with the FAA. They called him and said "a carpet can't fly!", so he responded "Not until it's registered it can't!" So the FAA, showing a sense of humor (since surgically removed) allowed the registration to go ahead as "experimental, home-built", and N61FC is now in a hangar in California with it's "N" number stitched in the side in accordance with the FAA regulations.

No word yet on whether it's made it's maiden flight or the identity of the test pilot, but its registration was renewed recently..."
So this story was sent to me, stating it was presented as a joke. But of course I had to search out the registration number and this is what I found:  N61FC

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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