Friday 12 June 2015

Luciano and Susan....

Friday's Fabulous Flyers! 

Luciano and Susan

Yesterday I returned home from a very long two weeks of international flying. Training, Brussels conference, and Paris trips. I slept 13 hours last night, and realized I did not post a Friday Flyer. But part of safety and life management is to know when to put your oxygen mask on, and being flexible. Then this morning I am reading emails... and look what had flown into my in-box during my flight home...

"I just wanted to tell you that I gave Luciano (remember my first pilot student and now Captain Instructor of A330?) "Flight to Success" for his birthday. I know he will love it! He read your description of Captain and he was really amazed: that's how he feels, too!!!!! So I'm sending you a photo of us both with your book as a token of our gratitude and recognition for writing such wonderful things!" 

Thank YOU
Susan and Luciano!
Do you have a photo of you and your books and a comment I could post? I would love to hear from you! 
My weekend will be Aviation Law, Systems Engineering, catching up on emails, and watching my middle daughter walk for the effort in her PhD. I hope your weekend is productive too and you remember to have a little fun.  Also... I saw a movie a week ago and there was a couple lines that I loved. I will paraphrase as this might not be exact... but you'll get the point. 
The guy says, "There is nothing like fun!" The woman replies, "Yes." But then she adds, "And being productive." I loved that. Because while fun is awesome, I feel really good when I get things done. 
Have a GREAT Weekend!!
Fun and Productive
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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