Monday 14 April 2014

Free Plant Activities

It is April 14, and we have snow on the ground! Saturday was gorgeous 75 degree weather.  I sat outside in shorts and a t-shirt.  Rain moved in Saturday night and proceeded to pour all day Sunday.  Sunday night switched, and we woke up to snow! Therefore, it's a perfect time to feature PLANTS. ;) --- as I sit at my desk with my little heater on high.

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Many of the following plant activities feature a hands-on approach with interactive notebooks.  

Why should you use interactive notebooks in your classroom?

• Students use both their visual and linguistic intelligences. The left side of the notebooks allows visual learners to use their best medium to explore and share ideas, and encourages nonvisual learners to become more proficient with graphic approaches in a nonthreatening way. Both types of learners will work with their writing skills.

• Note taking becomes an active process. These notebooks invite students to become engaged in their learning. Students will spend some time passively recording ideas from a lecture or the board, but most of their time doing something with ideas-putting them into their own words, searching for implication or assumptions, transforming words into visuals, finding the main point of a political cartoon, etc. This is especially true of the left side of the notebook, which is reserved for their active exploration of social studies ideas.

• Notebooks help students to systematically organize as they learn. With the teacher’s encouragement, students can used their notebooks to record ideas about every activity they engage in during a unit. Have them use a variety of organization techniques-topic headings, colored highlights, different writing styles-to synthesize historical concepts and make coherence of what they learn. The notebook permits assignments to be kept together in a regular place and in logical order.

• Notebooks become a portfolio on individual learning. These personal, creative notebooks become a record of each student’s growth. The teacher, students, and even parents can review a student’s progress in writing, illustrating, recording, thinking, and organization skills.

For more ideas, go here: Classroom Articles: Interactive Notebooks

SAVE 20% and purchase all of the above HERE.

Dr. Seuss Spring Plants Book

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