Thursday 17 September 2015

1500-Hour Rule

Thought for the Day... 

Last week I wrote a post about the 1500- hour rule to get people thinking about how change is often followed by the law of unintended consequences. And while it would appear that more flight hours makes a better pilot... what appears like a great solution on the surface, may just have more problems than we expected.

Prior to the 1500-hour rule, let's say an airline needed 10 pilots and they had a 1000 pilots to choose from. They had the ability to create a selection processes the took the best applicants. Those that did not have a DUI, no failures, aptitude, motivation, dedication, and exceptional decision making skills. 

Total flight time has nothing to do with being a good pilot.

Now that airline must reduce that selection process to taking 10 warm body that meets the 1500-hour rule. Are they the best? Are they free from the DUI, had no failures, and have aptitude, motivation, dedication, and decision making skills?

Are these airlines able to select the best pilots, or are they forced to take those applicants who  meet the new rules? 

We have the ability to test pilot applicant aptitude!
We have the ability to test pilot applicants skills!

Why don't we use that as our guidance?
Why do we care about an arbitrary number in their logbook if the applicant can perform?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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