Sunday 27 September 2015

Flying It Forward 2015

Girls Take Flight 

This weekend at the Museum of Flight about 250 girls were gifted a memory they will never forget. But this event could not have been made possible without the help of the incredible men and women giving their time, av-gas, and love of aviation to the young ladies they flew. Photos speak louder than words... Enjoy! 











I am not sure how pilot Keith escaped a photo!  Or Grant too, who worked effortlessly on the ramp on our first day. But a huge thank you to you both! And Sandy who was the official gate master for two days and Craig who kept the ramp running smoothly on day two... And Cale for coordinating the schedule and our wonderful assistants at the table for check in! For those without pictures ... send them me one to upload!

Thank you!!



An Amazing day was had by all! 

For more photos... Check out Face Book:

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

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