Monday 7 September 2015

Happy Labor Day!

To all Workers... 

The first Monday in September was flagged to honor the "American Labor Movement" where employees have historically made strides to strengthen the workforce and thus our country. 

Unions have accomplished many things... and safety comes to mind in my industry.  There was a time when management treated labor like animals, clearly abusing them. Thankfully we in America do not experience that. While there will (sadly) always be managers who do not know how to lead, and use harassment and threats as their strategies to control employees, for the most part that behavior is rare.

And while union members (employee groups alike) negotiate contracts, they negotiate them with corporate leaders. This should be a win win contract. Employees have expectations for a safe and fair workplace. Shouldn't organizations have expectations that their employees have agreed to perform the terms of that employment agreement?

A flight attendant who accepts a job, knowing very well that she must serve drinks. Does she have the right to make judgment on the serving of those drinks, who should drink, or the price of those drinks...etc?

Does a county clerk have the right to place her judgement on who should marry?

Do pilots have the right right to determine who they will carry on their aircraft

Do employees have the right to impose judgment on the rights of others?

Ladies and gentlemen, if terms of employment offend your religion... my recommendation is don't work there. If you feel strong that an issue needs to be changed, then get involved in your government and create change.

This quarter I am taking a course about future trends in aviation. Behavior does in fact create change, and not always for the better.  If employees continue to pass judgment and violate the terms of their employment, believing they have the right to continue employment... 

Then I suspect the future trend will be for management to have the right to ask (once again) personal questions such as religion, and will have the right to not employ you (whether those are your beliefs or not) if they believe your religion will prevent you from doing the job. Do we want to go back to those days?

This is not a political post. 
This is a common sense post. 

Labor has fought long and hard to create a strong workplace!

What do you think?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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