Monday 28 September 2015

Bright and colourful turtles and tissue holders - more clothes upcycling

I'm continuing upcycling the last of the clothing for my girls school carnival, which is in just 4 weeks time!

After the softie turtles I made last week were all a little grey,
I decided we needed some with a little colour!
I forgot to take pictures of the clothes before I cut them up - but they are made from a selection of shorts and t-shirts.

My girls have been helping me out today too - giving each turtle a name and a character, for example, this is Sparkle,

this is Lily,

and this is Missile.

So here are all the turtles together - a much more colourful bunch now don't you think?

My girls also did some sewing too yesterday!
They made a whole heap of tissue holders from jeans and other trouser legs for the stall.

So nice that they can make things for the stall and be so involved with it. The idea is to get is set up this year as a concept, then try to help the kids at the school do a lot of the upcycling themselves next year!

To see what else I've upcycled from clothes so far for the school carnival go here.

And for over 600 more clothes upcycling ideas - please do visit the ongoing linky here. There is so much great inspiration there. Do feel free to add your own clothes upcycling projects to the linky too!

I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons can be found at the bottom of this page and direct links on my linky party page.

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