Tuesday 13 October 2015

Coming soon - Teaching kids to sew - my new ebook!

Over the past few months I've been working on a new e-book for teaching kids to sew.

My girls have been brilliant helping me as pattern testers! A friend of theirs also tested some of the patterns too, which was awesome!

I'm impressed how good they are getting with their sewing skills!
Take a look at now neat the zip is on this pouch my youngest daughter (aged 10) sewed!

The book is now just having the final touches put to it ready to launch at the beginning of next week.

This will be my second e-book.

Last year I released my 

Which only costs the same as a cup of coffee, and $1 of that goes to the WWF to help protect this amazing world we live in.

My first Ebook is a free one for subscribers to my other blog - 

That one is for teaching your kids their Times Tables in just 5 minutes a day!

My first two e-books continue to be popular each month - I hope my new one will be too!

I'm very excited about it's launch next week.

I hope you'll like it!

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