Tuesday 27 October 2015

Halloween Drinks Coasters

With Halloween fast approaching, I'm getting out our spooky decorations etc in preparation.

One thing that comes out every year is our Halloween Drinks Coasters. I made these a few years ago. They each have a silly Halloween joke on them, and since we only get them out once a year - we all seem to have forgotten them and still get a giggle out of them!
If you'd like to make some Halloween Drinks Coasters of your own - you can see the tutorial here.

I'll have to make a few of our regular Halloween decorations too - like these mummy candle jars..

And I'll be making my girls favourite - marshmallow eyeballs!

Do you have a favourite Halloween decoration or food that you make or cook every year?  Tell me in the comments!

I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and links can be found on my linky party page.

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