Monday 12 October 2015

Wrist Cuffs and Sugar Gliders - more clothes upcycles

With just over a week to go until the school carnival, I've been upcycling a last few things for the stall.

I've made a few wristcuffs from the jeans waistbands. I have about 50 of these cuffs to decorate - a nice project to sit and do in the evenings while watching TV.

So far I have some flower ones.

Some with beads

And there are even a few waistband parts that had pretty writing on already!

I also managed to squeeze in a couple of sugar gliders from an old pair of kids leggings!

Next week, in the lead up to the carnival, I shall be posting a clothes upcycle each day that will be added to the stall. I'm excited about it all, but nervous too. After months of planning and preparation, I just hope it all goes well and that things sell!

To see the other things I've made for the stall this year - all upcycled from old clothes, go here.

I shall be linking this project to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons can be found on the bottom of this page and whose direct links can be found on my linky party page.

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