Thursday 29 October 2015

Witchy Messenger Bag

One of the last clothes upcycles I did for my daughter's carnival stall was this cute Witchy Messenger Bag.
I made it from a pair of jeans and an old shirt and used my own messenger bag from jeans tutorial here.

I was really happy that I found a great use for the collar of the shirt - as a skirt for the witch.

 I think this collar-skirt works well and will definitely be using that idea again in the future!
 I also love that I found another use for the green and black socks. I made a sock monkey from the main part, 
but there was still some of the socks left over as they were quite long - that's what I used for the witches socks appliqué!

And the purple shirt fabric works really well for the lining of this bag. And the rustic look of the worn jeans pocket is another feature I really like!

Well that's my final Halloween project for this year!
I shall share a final few Halloween features from the Round Tuit party tomorrow - in case you want any last minute spooky inspiration!

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