Monday 5 October 2015

Fabric Baskets and Accessories - more clothes upcycles

I'm into the final three weeks of clothes upcycling for my daughters' school carnival. I'm starting to get down to the smaller pieces of fabric and scraps, so I've been trying out some fabric flowers and attaching them to some waistband wrist cuffs and also a necklace as you can see in the above picture.
Here are the wrist cuffs I've made so far.

I think these are a good start, but I have a huge pile of waistband pieces to make these cuffs from.

And plenty of fabric scraps to embellish them with!  This is one project I'm also going to be taking into school and getting the kids to help with. It will be fun to see what they come up with to embellish these simple wrist cuffs!

I also made a few fabric baskets with some trouser legs too!

Today is also the first day back at school for my girls' final term of the year!  It's been wonderful having them home with me for the past two weeks, but I've now got the house to myself and a BIG to do list to get through - lots of sewing and plenty to share on the blog! I hope you'll come by each day to see more upcycling, tutorials and plenty of inspiration!

To see what else I've made for the school carnival so far, go here.
I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pertty buttons can be found on the bottom of this page and whsoe direct links can be found on my linky party page.

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