Saturday 14 November 2015

Become a Leader!

Realizing Leadership Development 

with Irene Becker 
"Leadership today is not about learning to lead better, it is about learning to think, communicate, collaborate, and lead differently..."
Mark your calendar and join my friend Irene Becker as she presents the webinar: Three Competencies That Make the Leader. I just registered! And I have finals and a couple pilots staying with me for a few days to attend the Come From Away play the night of this event.  If I can make time, you can too!
Leadership belongs everywhere. If you learn just one thing then the hour will have been a success!

Host: Laurie Wilhelm, Editor of Realizing Leadership magazine
Date: Wednesday, November 18
Time: 1:00 pm EST (duration: 50 minutes)
Cost: $36* per person

Enjoy the journey and I hope to see you at the webinar!
XO Karlene

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