Sunday 1 November 2015

Literary Journal


Bill Bernhardt

I met Bill many years ago at the Hawaii's writers conference.  Bill is not only a fabulous writing instructor, but an incredible mentor. When he sent me a request to help, I jumped at the chance to share his information with the world. The flight to success world.

To learn more about Bill, you can find him at

Every Pledge Counts!

"Literature and writers have always been at the forefront of positive change. We want to create a meeting place where writers and words can, to quote Joseph Conrad, "teach us how to see." Too many excellent writers have trouble finding a suitable place for their work. 

We will open the door to submissions from both established and emerging writers. Each issue will feature exceptional fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and photography. Your donation will help defray the cost of printing, design, editorial input, maintaining our Submittable account, and marketing. Every pledge will bring us closer to our goal. If we don't hit our goal, you lose nothing. If we do make our goal, you will receive perks based on your donation and we get Conclave into waiting hands like yours." 

Enjoy the Journey
XOX Karlene 

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