Monday 23 November 2015

Christmas Tree with Baubles - upcycled denim Christmas card

This is the last of my upcycled reusable and re-sendable Christmas Cards for this year. Using some green starry fabric and buttons for baubles.
The cards are reusable as they have a clear pocket on the inside where you can slip in a greeting written on a piece of paper. This can be removed and replaced to re-send the card to someone else next year!

I'll be sending all the reusable cards that I've made this year and I do hope that the recipients embrace the idea behind them and send them on to someone new next year! Maybe I'll even get one or two back??

Here are the cards I've made.

The tutorial showing how to make these upcycled denim re-sendable Christmas cards is here.

And for lots more inspiration for an eco and budget friendly Christmas, visit my 

I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and direct links can be found on my linky party page.

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