Friday 6 November 2015

NTSB and TWA 800

Friday's Fabulous Flyer:

This week I had the great opportunity to meet some incredible people. And a few of them worked for the NTSB, and were involved in the TWA800 investigation. During the course of these days I was able to put something into perspective. 

While we often refer to the NTSB as an entity, the reality is that the NTSB is an organization composed of hard working, ethical, responsible and focused individuals. The NTSB is not an entity, but the people who work there.  I met a few of these incredible people at the IASS conference.  There is no possible way they would ever cover up anything.

I know I suspected a missile blew up TWA 800, for what I perceived as small fix because the plane was not grounded. Perhaps I also did not want to believe a perfectly good plane would blow up on its own. But the reality is, after meeting the people behind the investigation, I was able to put the human into the equation of the investigation, and not the entity. I also learned some things about the investigation, that I did not know. One of the inspectors said that if anyone has any questions he would be willing to answer them.

While there are often unethical people in any organization, that does not mean the organization is bad in itself, nor does it mean the other employees are disreputable by association. Besides, the NTSB is one of the most transparent organizations there is. In my assessment of the people I met, there is absolutely no way that these individuals would conspire a cover up of any kind for any reason. 

The power of perspective is awesome!

Join me in thanking the employees of the NTSB 
 for the outstanding job they do!
 I'm not sure how they do it at times. 
But I'm thankful for the detailed reports I use often.

Enjoy the Journey
XO Karlene

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