Tuesday 24 November 2015

Suddenly I Could Fly!

Come From Away

The most amazing gift you could give, 
or receive, 
this holiday season!

Last week I had the great opportunity to attend opening night of Come From Away at the Seattle Repertory Theater with the lady pilots of ISA+21. While dinner at the space needle was delicious, and the ladies were great company...

The Best Part of the Night 
was the show

September 11, 2001 is day that will be etched in every pilots' memory forever. But the flight crews who diverted to Gander have a story all their own. But not anymore. This story belongs to everyone now.
The people of Gander found room in their hearts and homes for the plane people who landed at their little rock in the Sea. The good people of Gander will find a way into your heart too, once you take the opportunity to see most fabulous musical this holiday season, Come From Away. 
The Story: 
When 38 planes landed at Gander, and 7000 "plane people" found their way into the town. It's hard to imagine that many people dropping in from nowhere. Nobody in the town slept for five days, as they cooked and cared for their guests. Lives were changed forever. Lifelong friendships made, soulmates connected and people learned the power of compassion and gratitude. 

As the Islanders said, 
"We did nothing that you wouldn't do."  
The message of the season... 
What would you do to help someone in need? 
The Play: 
This is a musical like none other. Written and choreographed by the talent couple, David and Irene.  I was amazed at how they pulled this off. I cannot tell you how many stories were wrapped into 90 minutes of fun, laughter, and yes... tears.  
David and Irene spent a month in Gander, living in the homes of the towns people, and interviewing them. They both attended an event at the Seattle Museum of Flight over the weekend, and when David said, "We had 5 hours of content, and we hadn't got them off the plane yet," spoke volumes.  But they pulled the stories together into one show. 
How they did this, I'm still not sure. 

David Hein and Irene Sankoff 

I wish I could find the words to explain the power of this show, how heartfelt this stories are, and how incredibly well David and Irene pulled it all together, into one inspiring show. I'm blaming my lack of brainpower due to finals week.  However, I will tell you that I loved it so much, that I am going again, and taking my mom and sister with me on December 8th. This is something that must be shared!

Enjoy this song from the musical
Me and the Sky 
You must see this in person! 
And the inspiring pilot this play was written about... 

The show runs only runs through 
December 13th at the
Seattle Repertory Theater

I hope you can make it!!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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