Tuesday 25 August 2015

Christmas Shopping bags - Christmas Shouldn't Cost the Earth

Christmas involves a lot of shopping, so of course I had to look at bags as part of my Christmas Shouldn't Cost the Earth series.

I was surprised at how few Christmas shopping bags there are out there considering quite how much shopping people do around that time of year.  What a great opportunity to make use of strong, reusable bags and reduce or cut completely your use of those plastic bags given in every shop for every small gift you buy!

Four years ago I made myself a Christmas Handibag to carry in my handbag at that time of year to use for Christmas shopping. 

I use it every year and often think I should make myself another couple as I get good use out of it and always get nice comments on it too! And you just never know when you're out and about how many presents you'll end up buying.

I did find another Christmas bag
 (other than gift bags - I mean bags for daily use and carrying things in).
Made with buttons and felt letters stitched onto a plain tote.

The other Christmas bags I found when searching on-line were mostly gift bags and Santa sacks - you can see some of those on my Christmas Bags Pinterest Board

Since there seems to be a lack of Christmas shopping bags out there. I decided to make myself one that I know I will use lots nearer Christmas!

It's just a simple tote made from a pair of jeans, an old dress for the lining and fabric scraps for the appliqué on the front.

Best of all it cost me nothing to make as I made it from old clothes and fabric scraps.

Now I need to make some more Christmas handibags to put inside this bag for when I go Christmas Shopping.
Come back again to see what I come up with!

And if you've made your own Christmas Shopping bag then do let me know in the comments so I can come and see!

This Christmas series has only just begun. This week I'm looking at bags, and last week I looked at stockings. Each week I'll choose a different theme and round up crafts I find, then share my own eco and budget friendly Christmas crafts!

I shall be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons can be found on the bottom of this page and whose direct links can be found on my linky party page.

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