Monday 10 August 2015

Pilot Challenges...


A pilot sent me his concern for today's challenge of becoming a pilot. I'm finding a difficult time identifying the value in any of this for safety.

This is what he wrote: 
New ATP/CTP Course Requirement Prior to sitting for the ATP Written. These can cost between $4995 and $13000. Some flight schools or higher institutes of learning may 'pay' or include this, but you have to commit to getting a degree or staying at the flight school for 12-18 months.

61.153 (e) After July 31, 2014, for an airline transport pilot certificate, must receive a graduation certificate from an authorized training provider certifying completion of the airline transport pilot certification training program specified in §61.156 before applying for the knowledge test required.
Here are the course requirements: 

61.156 Training requirements: 

Must present a graduation certificate from an authorized training provider under part 121, 135, 141, or 142 of this chapter certifying the applicant has completed the following training in a course approved by the Administrator. 

(a) Academic training. The applicant for the knowledge test must receive at least 30 hours of classroom instruction that includes the following: 8 hours of instruction on aerodynamics, 2 hours of instruction on meteorology, 14 hours of instruction on air carrier operations, 6 hours of instruction on leadership, professional development, crew resource management, and safety culture.
(b) FSTD training. 10 hours of training in a flight simulation training. 6 hours of training in a Level C, remaining may be completed in a Level 4 or higher.

Can Qualify for a ATP restricted rating with less hours if met any of the following, per 61.160

750 hours - U.S. military pilot or former U.S. military pilot
1000 hour – Bachelor’s degree with aviation major, 60 semester hours aviation coursework, commercial license
1250 hours – Associate’s Degree with aviation major, 30 semester hours aviation coursework, commercial license

So, the people in my small niche which have no aviation degree and a good amount of hours but need more (I have 969, 1500 needed, since I don't qualify for any of the restricted hours) have to find a way to build those hours. Flight schools are leery as they suspect you might leave after getting to the 1500 hours, and try to lock you in for 12-18 months by offering to include the ATP/CPT or having to pay back training costs if you leave earlier than the 12-18 months. Same for part 135 charter operators - want to lock you in to 12-18 months or you have to pay back thousands of dollars of 'training' costs since you're not ATP certified."

What do you think?

Does this pilot shortage inducing effect create another level of safety... or does it prevent potential pilots from reaching their dreams?

I am off to school for the week in Florida, followed by a trek to recurrent training. Brain expansion in process.

Enjoy the journey!
XO Karlene

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