Monday 31 August 2015

More Drink Bottle Carriers and a turtle!

This past week I didn't make anything 'new' for the school carnival stall - but just made some more of the Water Bottle Carriers I made and produced a tutorial for last week.

I used more of my clothes stash - a pair of dark green 3/4 pants, an old white sports shirt for the padding, a couple of left over pockets from previous jeans projects and some co-ordinating fabric from my stash.

From these I made 2 more Bottle Carriers:

Then I used a pair of black jeans, an animal print skirt, and more pockets and coordinating fabric scraps to make 3 more.

These are nice and simple to make. I managed to use the waistband of the animal print skirt for the straps on both those carriers - and one pocket on each carrier too.
I will be making more of these Water Bottle Carriers for the school stall and intend to sell them complete with water bottle so people can fill them up and start using them straight away!

I also had one more thing to sew at the weekend - a request from my younger daughter for a turtle softie for the school environmental club. This turtle was just made from fabric in my stash. The head, flippers and tail are remnants from the fabric I used to re-cover our dining room chairs, and the green was a remnant from a charity shop.
I made one of these a couple of months ago from the clothes for the school carnival stall, You can see that one here

Next week I'll have more to share of something else upcycled for 

And do come back tomorrow and the rest of this week when I'll be looking at another theme for Christmas Shouldn't Cost the Earth

I'll be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons can be found on the bottom of this page and direct links on my linky party page.

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