Monday 31 August 2015

Summer Ice?

How can this occur?

Last week I received a great question from my friend, Simon, in Tasmania. Simon says....

"I recently returned from a trip to Apia, Samoa. After boarding in Apia for our evening flight to Auckland, my seat-mate drew my attention to the wing of the 737-800. She was quite anxious, as she thought the discoloration on the wing might well be ice. Given that the outside temperature was 27'C, and the aircraft had been sitting on the tarmac for 50 minutes, ice was unlikely (to say the least). It was a clear evening as well, so there had been no rain in the vicinity of the airport. 
I couldn't really give an explanation as to what the white-ish areas were.. The main area seems to be towards the back of the wing, and the flaps. If anyone can help solve the mystery, I know it is you.. and my good friend has been worrying about this for the last 3 weeks! I know it is a very trivial question, so I say a huge thank-you in advance! :)
Thank-you again for your help.. and please feel free to chuckle as much as you want!

Best wishes from the West Coast of Tasmania.

Thanks again, Simon"
This is a GREAT question. No chuckling at all. 
Why do you think ice is forming 
in such warm temperatures (80.6 F)?
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

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