Wednesday 19 August 2015

Christmas Stockings - Christmas Shouldn't Cost the Earth

Hanging stockings up at Christmas hoping to wake up and find them filled with gifts is a Christmas Tradition followed all over the world. Nobody really knows for sure how it began but here are a couple of theories.

One legend tells that Saint Nicolas (a 4th century Christian Bishop who had a reputation for secret gift giving) heard of a poor man with 3 daughters who was afraid they would never be able to marry as he couldn't afford a dowry for them. Saint Nicolas put gold coins down their chimney and they fell into each of the girls stockings that were hanging by the fireplace to dry. The girls could subsequently get married and lived happily ever after.

And so - people started hanging stockings by the fireplace in the hope that they too would find gifts inside in the morning!

Or perhaps...
Another theory comes from Holland, where children used to put hay and carrots in their boots for Sinterklass's horse and in return he would leave gifts in their boots. The boots have since been replaced with stockings!

Whatever the history behind stockings - Children all over the world love to hang them up and there are so many of types of stockings that you can buy or even better make.

When I was little, my brother and I used to use Mum and Dad's long winter socks to lay out on our beds the night before Christmas, and we always found them filled with an orange, an apple and lots of small treats and toys. My husband's family used to use pillowcases.
For our girls, I made them their own pillowcase style stockings from red and Christmas fabrics with some white fur at the top.

Make your own stockings

Yes you can buy cheap stockings in the stores, mass produced in China probably, but wouldn't it be nicer to have something more personal, something that will last longer and perhaps become a family Christmas tradition used year after year?

Stockings can be as simple and cost free as big winter sock - but if you do want something bigger or a little different - then why not make your own?

  They are super simple to make and can be made with old clothes for free - or any kind of fabric from your stash - it doesn't have to be Christmas themed. 

Some of my favourite stockings that I've seen on Pinterest are denim ones made from old jeans! I recently tried making one for myself - simple but I like it.

So, here are some ideas and tutorials for making your own Christmas stockings.

My own Mini Denim Treat Stockings made from old jeans and clothes.

Some ways to use up those fabric scraps..

Or how about a themed stocking - like this 

There are so many types of stockings you can create - like the R2D2 one above - or I found one made to look like a ballet slipper, or a mermaid tail. They can be as simple or detailed as you like, in any colour or fabric. The only limit is your imagination - and if you falter with that - try Pinterest, Here's the link to 

I'd love to hear if you have a Christmas Stocking Craft to share!

I hope you liked these few stocking ideas - do come back again as tomorrow I shall be sharing another stocking projects with a tutorial! 

My latest stocking project:

And remember, Christmas Shouldn't Cost the Earth!

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