Sunday 3 January 2016

A Round Tuit 291

Happy New Year 2016!
Welcome to the first Round Tuit party of the year.

Today I wanted to share with you a picture I've been trying to take for a while now of two chicks in a nest in our garden. We've been able to hear them and see the parents feeding them for several days now, but this is the first time I've managed to catch them on camera!
Just incredible!

I hope your year has started well and that you're full of enthusiasm and motivated to have an incredible year. I look forward to seeing all that you share here at the party each week.

So without further ado - let's get started!


Welcome to this week's linky party. A place where you can link up your posts and creations, and be inspired by others.

Tuits are very hard to come by, especially the round ones. For years people have been saying, "I'll do it as soon as I get a round tuit". Well now you can have one of your very own, and all those jobs that have needed doing will finally get done!
Here's my favourites from last week's party:
First of all, these cute Fabric Mug Cosies from Flamingo Toes.

Next, this bright 'grow' yarn bomb from Julie is Coco and Cocoa - love this idea of making someone smile when they pass by!

Finally, this awesome DIY Seesaw from C.R.A.F.T.

For those featured, feel free to grab a 'featured on' button here.
Creating my way to Success
Now it's your turn:
Link up your own projects - old or new - no rules - just share your creativity and inspiration!
I'd love if you grabbed the button - then you can have your very own Round Tuit!
And of course we all love visitors and comments so do visit some of the other links!
By linking up here you're giving me permission to use photos from your post in features here on my blog.
I will feature my favourites on this post next week.

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