Thursday 14 January 2016

Week 20 (Thurs-Fri)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016-
Friday, January 15th, 2016

  • CCSS.Math.CONTENT.6.NS.B.3
    Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
    • Student Friendly Translation: I can add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit numbers involving decimals. 
      • Puedo sumar, restar , multiplicar ydividir números de varias cifras con decimales .
    Students will be able to...
    • Know the opposite of a number
    • Evaluate absolute values and inequalities
    • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
    • Graph a coordinate plane.

    • Conozca el opuesto de un número
    • Evaluar valores absolutos y desigualdades
    • Sumar, restar , multiplicar y dividir decimales
    • Graficar un plano de coordenadas .
      DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

      Daily Dose of Math

      Write down everything you know about Orders of Operations in a list. 

      Things Needed for Today:
      • Math Notebook 
      • Pencil & Eraser

      Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

      • Whole Group:
        1. Collect Homework/Stamp Agendas
        2. Review Do Now
        3. Go Over Agenda & Explain Homework

      Independent Station

      1. Rags to Riches

        • STEP 1:
          • Rags to Riches
          • Read the question and click on the correct Elements of the Story vocabulary. Remember to choose your answers wisely, or else you will have to restart the game. You are to aim to reach $1,000,000. In order to do that, you will need answer the questions correctly or you will go back down to $200. 
          • Play until you reach $1,000,000. If you have, raise your hand for Ms. Trang to check
        • STEP 2:
        •  Just Cross The Finished Line?
          • Write HW in agenda and leave it out for Ms. Trang to be stamped
          • Complete HW below
          • Free Rice
          • Complete any Achieve 3000 articles that you need to finish completing
          • Read your Stop, Drop, and Read Book 

        1st DIRECT STATION: 
          • Review Answers for Unit 1 & 2 Review Test
          • Decimal Activity
          • 2nd DIRECT STATION:
          • Review Answers for Unit 1 & 2 Review Test
          • Decimal Activity

        • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
          • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
          • Title it 
          • January 14 (Only Periods 1, 3, 5)
          • January 14th is “National Dress-Up Your Pet Day.” How do you think our pets feel when we dress them up in clothing? Describe what may be going on in a pet’s head while they are being dressed-up. 
          • January 15 (Only Periods 2,6)
            On this day in 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born. We honor his birth the following Monday. He delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. Beginning with those same words, write your own speech about your hopes for our world and its people

        • REDO Semester 1 (8 Problems- Multiple Choice)
        • Bring 5 sheet protectors AND a dry eraser marker from now on. 

        • REMINDER: 

          Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band! 

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