Wednesday 13 January 2016

Watchdog Report...

Truth is Scarier than Fiction

Yesterday I spent 20 non-stop hours at my computer working. 16 hours editing and formatting the next novel, Flight For Survival. Yes... just because it's done, does not mean the work is over. But I'm getting close. And then working on my Safety Management Systems class, and Statistics. The interesting thing, is that the novel you're about to read has an SMS theme to it.

Just when I submersed in writing and research, what ends up on my desk? The Office of Inspector General Audit Report. Reporting challenges with pilots flying. Years of studies with a common thread... "Pilots could benefit from additional time manually flying aircraft." A 2014 NASA study also found "Pilots sometimes struggled to maintain cognitive skills that accompany manual flying such as awareness of the aircraft's position and recognizing instrument systems failures." 

Take a guess what the focus of my dissertation is!

You've got it! I've been working on this challenge since Flight For Safety released 2 years ago. Hopefully this report will assist in furthering my work.

Enjoy the Journey!

XO Karlene

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