Monday 4 January 2016

Face Your Fear

Monday Motivation 
Flight to Success Be the Captain of Your Life. 
Chapter 1: Fear is about how do identify and deal with Fear.

Be prepared. Be safe. But live your life in the game, 
not on the sidelines!


One of my greatest fears is guns. Not logically, but physically. Not until I attended FFDO  (Federal Flight Deck Officer) school, did I know I had this fear. I never had an experience with a gun, good or bad. The moment the empty gun was placed in front of me, I shook. My body had a physical reaction. 

I had to convince myself that I was fine, as I learned how to clean and load it. Then the moment I held that loaded gun, I began shaking again. I could not shoot. I had to breathe deep. Relax. Calm myself. Mental chants that everything would be fine. That the gun was pointed away. And then I fired. And fired. And fired again.

I had no problem with the shooting part. But why the fear? I have often asked myself where fear comes from. But my solution is always how to deal with it, when it arrives.  I have faced fear many times in my life. From the first time I flew a 727, to the first time on CNN, to every job interview. What made me push forward without running in fear? 

What enables focus despite fear?

Fear is the first chapter in Flight To Success, Be the Captain of Your Life. A chapter that everyone must read, as we face our fears in 2016. Life is short, make sure you get in the game. Fear is a natural emotion, not one to incapacitate.

Learn to identify which fears to face, 
and which to honor! 
Enjoy the Journey! 
XOX Karlene

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