Friday 26 February 2016

Alexis Murphy

Fridays Fabulous Flyer
Who is Alexis? 
Alexis is a 21-year-old basketball player, motivating, inspiring young lady who is finishing up her Ph.D. in clinical psychology, and changing the world one hoop at a time! Alexis is teaching young women to engage in all they do, to embrace the opportunities that await, and become empowered to live a full and powerful life, through her non-profit organization Hoops Through Life basketball camps.  
It's all about the power of hope and love. 

Flying through life with positivity, Alexis has shared some of her favorite pictures from camps and her life journey... her flight. Alexis told me she was from a small town in Ohio, and has been gifted the opportunity of an incredible education and ability to play ball, and wants to give back to the world. And giving back she is, ten-fold.

 Alexis Murphy
"My staff, my family, and every camper I have, 
knows that we are in FLIGHT together. 
We go nowhere but up. 
As a unit of powerful, very powerful women."

"Stronger women on and off the court!" 

"Below is the basketball court we built for the orphanage in Haiti that we will be traveling to in June to run a non-profit basketball camp, and to show the kids LOVE and HOPE through the game. We have raised $17,000 out of our $20,000 goal for this orphanage in a little over 8 months.

"The picture below symbolizes 
what I try to do everyday, 
It shows my purpose..."  

 "Showing girls how to hold their head high, 
how to see the dream, 
and how to trust the people behind them."

"Many wonder why I do this. They ask the big time question: what is your purpose? There probably are many answers to that question. Similar to aviation, there are numerous components that must come together to prepare for lift off: God, my family who made sacrifices for me so that I could have the opportunities I do today, my my compassionate and supportive boyfriend, my amazing, driven, and supportive staff, friends, family, and of course, the pilot, which has to be coined to that drive inside of me that never takes no for an answer."

"My drive allows me to take flight 
and to ultimately and most importantly, 
give back to others."

"Because of this drive and so many people who have impacted me along the way, the most important flight of my life has taken off. Recently, I was selected to the 2016 WBCA Good Works Team for founding Hoop Through Life and Hoop For Haiti. Only about 10 people in the United States are selected for this honor. Since then, I have partnered with Nike US Sports Camps and two WNBA teams: the NY Liberty and LA Sparks. We are no where near the peak of our flight. All we know is this is the best flight of our lives"
Alexis Murphy
Hoop Through Life, LLC
Alexis and her team of incredible women are living strong and empowering young women of the world.  I'm going to do my best to help them reach their dream to fly across them across the country this summer to host camps for young ladies. They need airline tickets! If there is any thing you can do to help, please contact Alexis. Your support will go far. It's time to shift the world toward the positive, and give back for all that we have. 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

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