Saturday 20 February 2016

Super Simple Pumpkin Soup

One of my favourite things to have for lunch is soup, and this is the easiest soup to make there is I think!

Here's how to make yummy pumpkin soup! The amounts here are just rough - you can adjust them according to what you have available or whether you like thicker or thinner soup.

You will need:

Pumpkin (1kg), stock (1 litre), 1 onion, olive oil, plain flour (1 heaped tablespoon), cinnamon and nutmeg (1 tsp each).

Saute the onion in a little olive oil.

Then add the chopped pumpkin and stir fry for a few minutes.

Add the flour and spices and stir until all the pumpkin is coated.

Add the stock, stir and simmer, covered, for about 15-20 minutes.

Remove from the heat and blend until smooth.

Serve while hot.
 (season with salt and pepper to your personal taste)

See - super simple!

Do you have a favourite soup to make?

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