Thursday 11 February 2016

Week 24 (Thurs-Fri)

Thursday, February 11th, 2016-
Friday, February 12th, 2016

    Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
    Student Friendly Translation: I can use the text in a story to support my analysis of the story and to draw inferences.
    Puedo utilizar el texto en una historia para apoyar mi análisis de la historia y para sacar conclusiones .

Students will be able to...
  • Answer the reading comprehension questions
  • Refer back to the reading
  • Make inferences and predictions 

    • Conozca el opuesto de un número
    • Evaluar valores absolutos y desigualdades
    • Sumar, restar , multiplicar y dividir decimales
    • Graficar un plano de coordenadas .
      DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

      Daily Dose of Grammar

      Nouns are grouped into two general classifications: proper and common. Proper nouns name a special person, place, or thing and begin with capital letters. All other nouns begin with small letters and are considered common.
      Examples of common nouns include: city, man, boat, and radio. These could be changed into proper noun forms by naming specifics: Chicago, Mr. Jones, Santa Maria, and Motorola.
      Instructions: Pick out the nouns in these sentences and tell if they are common or proper.

      1. Becky went with her sisters to Disneyland on Friday. 
      2. My youngest son is in Brazil until September.
      3. Mr. Smith works with his wife in Los Angeles.
      4. Love could bring marriage to Mark and Terri. 

      Things Needed for Today:
      • ELA Notebook
      • Pencil & Eraser
      • Chapter 3 & 4 Vocabulary Terms Definition Sheet 

      Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

      • Whole Group:
        1. Collect Homework/Stamp Agendas
        2. Review Do Now
        3. Go Over Agenda & Explain Homework
        4. Chapter 4 Pop Quiz 
        5. Grades 

      Independent Station

      1. Achieve3000

        • STEP 1:
        • Achieve3000
          • Readings: Heroes In Sports, Heroes In Life 
            1. Plug in your headphones
            2. Log in to in a NEW TAB
            (Username= ZScaler WITHOUT @alliance.lan password = ZScaler password)
            3. Complete the Before Reading Poll
            4. Read & Listen to the VOCABULARY
            5. Read the ARTICLE. (You MUST listen to the article as you read!)
            6. After each paragraph, STOP and fill in at least 1 sentence in the SUMMARIZE box.
            7. When you do the ACTIVITY, refer back to the article for answers by opening it in a new tab.
            8. Write the title and your 1st-try score on your self-monitoring scoresheet.
            9. Complete the After Reading Poll
            10. On the Thought Question, click on "Include in Your Answer" so you can score a 3 or above.

        STEP 2:
        •  Just Cross The Finished Line?
          • Write HW in agenda and leave it out for Ms. Trang to be stamped
          • Complete HW below
          • Free Rice
          • Complete any Achieve 3000 articles that you need to finish completing
          • Read your Stop, Drop, and Read Book 

        1st DIRECT STATION: 
        • Recap Ch.4
        • Discussion Questions/Worksheets
          • 2nd DIRECT STATION:
          • Recap Ch. 4
          • Discussion Questions/ Worksheets
          • Pair Share 
          • Sensory Image Worksheet
          • Chapter 3 & 4 Vocabulary Fill In

          • Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
          • 1. Describe the secret that was ”like a knife cutting into Brian.” Why was this thought so upsetting to him? 

            2. What new menace plagued Brian with the rising of the sun? How was the problem resolved? 

            3. Explain why Brian thought he had both good and bad luck.
            4. Predict what Brian might do to save himself. What would be your first priority 

          • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
            • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
            • Title it 
            • February 11 (Only Periods 1, 3, 5)
            • Today is “National Inventors’ Day” in honor of Thomas Edison who was born on this day in 1847.  What do you believe to have been the best invention ever created and why?
            • February 12 (Only Periods 2,6)
              On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born.  Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.  Lincoln was against slavery and believed that all people should be free.  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about slavery and summarize them in your own words.
          • REMINDER: 

            Pennies for Patients

            Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band! 

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