Monday 1 February 2016

Week 23 (Mon-Tues)

Monday, February 1st, 2016-
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

  • Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). 
    • Student Friendly Translation: I can write expressions using numbers and letters (with the letters standing for numbers.) 
  • Puedo escribir expresiones usando números y letras (con las letras de pie para los números . )

Students will be able to...
  • Solve expression with 2 different operation signs
  • Understand exponents
  • Use PEMDAS

  • Resuelva expresión con 2 señales de operación diferentes
  • Entender exponentes
  • Uso PEMDAS

DO NOW: (5-10 minutes)

Daily Dose of Math

Things Needed for Today:
  • Math Notebook
  • Pencil & Eraser
  • Dry Eraser Marker

Please come in quietly, sit at your assigned seat, take out appropriate supplies, write in agenda, place homework and all other old assignments on your desk. Then begin working on your Do Now with the date on top. 

  • Whole Group:
    1. Collect Homework/Stamp Agendas
    2. Review Do Now
    3. Go Over Agenda & Explain Homework
    4. Chapter 3 Pop Quiz

Independent Station

  1. Rags to Riches
  2. Orders of Operation Games

  • Rags to Riches
    • NOTE: 
      • * means multiply 
      • / means divide
      • ^ means to the power of (think exponents) 
    • Read the question and click on the correct Elements of the Story vocabulary. Remember to choose your answers wisely, or else you will have to restart the game. You are to aim to reach $1,000,000. In order to do that, you will need answer the questions correctly or you will go back down to $200. 
    • Play until you reach $1,000,000. If you have, raise your hand for Ms. Trang or an STL to check
  • Order of Operation Game: Choose the level and play. Make sure you use the numbers given above. You will need to type the number in the box.
  •  Just Cross The Finished Line?
    • Write HW in agenda and leave it out for Ms. Trang to be stamped
    • Complete HW below
    • Free Rice
    • Wonderopolis
    • Complete any Achieve 3000 articles that you need to finish completing
    • Read your Stop, Drop, and Read Book 

  • Exponent Mini Lesson
  • Orders of Operation Review/Notes
  • Exponent Worksheet
    • Quick Orders of Operation Review
    • Orders of Operation Worksheet 

What is the meaning of "Order" in real life? Writing a check? or Maybe writing your name first on your homework? Can you think of ways we do things in order? List a couple of them.
  • When you make cereal, do you fill the bowl with milk or cereal first? Why?
  • When you get dressed, do you put on your shoes first or socks first? Why? 
In our lives and in MATH, we need to do things in a certain order to make sure they turn out right. 

Lets Try:
Make sure you write down which operation you did first on the right hand side. Also, remember that your problem should look like an upside down triangle.
1) 10 - 12 ÷ (8 - 4)
2) 5 + 8 × (3+2) ÷ 5
3) 20 - 15 ÷ (8 - 32) x 4  

Now You Try: (Handout) 

  • Daily Writing Prompts (DWP)
    • FULL sentences (spelling & grammar counts!) 
    • Title it 
    • February 1 (Only Periods 1, 3, 5)
    • February 1st is “National Freedom Day.”  In your own words, what does it mean to be free?
    • February 2 (Only Periods 2,6)
      Today is “Ground Hog Day.”  If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, that means we are in for six more weeks of winter.  If Phil does not see his shadow, we will have an early spring.  Make your own prediction about what Phil will, or won’t, see.  Be sure to explain your prediction.
  • Orders of Operation #3


arenthesis    Exponents  Multiplication  ►  Division  ►  Addition  ►  Subtraction

Directions:  Simplify each expression.  

1.  )  4 7 – 62÷ 3                           2.)  23 + 62 ÷ 9

3.)        10 – 18 ÷ 3 + 1                       4.)  40 + 52 – 7 4

5.)   3(12 – 5) + 8 4                     6.)  82 + 6(14 – 12)

7.)  24– 24 ÷ 3 + 1                        8.)  (31 – 11) ÷ 5 + 2

9.)  (3 + 4)2– 32                            10.)  54 ÷ 6 + 2(8 – 3 4)

11.)  (19 – 7) ÷ 4 + 11                   12.)  112 – 8 7 + 2

13.)  6 5 – 42 ÷ 2                         14.)  8(12 – 9)2 – 4 7

15.)  6 3 + 4 8 – 33                    16.)  5(13 – 8) – 3 7 + 3

BONUS:    4(3 2) + (8 – 3)2 – 62 + 3 9 - 23 + 1

    • REMINDER: 

      Pennies for Patients

      Star Student: 15 lucky students will be selected for Thinking & Acting Responsibly and be awarded with a Free Dress band! 

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