Thursday 4 February 2016

More plastic than fish - what can I do?

Have you heard that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans? (source)

The amount of plastic waste in the world is just shocking and single use plastic items are a major cause of this.  
Take a look at this short trailer for a new documentary coming soon, which highlights just how bad the situation is.

There are steps that we can all take to make a difference and stop the increase of plastic waste. 

Single use plastic bags are something we can all manage without.  By carrying a reusable bag in your handbag or car when you go out, you can avoid your need for single use bags.

You could go a step further and have a set of reusable bags for your weekly grocery shopping.
I have had a set of these for years now and never get plastic bags. They are made from old bed sheets and are remarkably strong!

As my own contribution to help reducing plastic waste from single use plastic bags, I have created an e-book of sewing patterns so you can make your own set of bags and a stylish personalised handbag to carry them in, hidden in a secret compartment at the bottom of the bag so you are never without them!

The book also includes tutorials for a simple handibag made from a pillowcase and net bags for your fruit and vegetables.

I sincerely hope that this book will help others make their own set of reusable shopping bags and so help reduce the need for single use plastic bags.  I am also donating $1 for each book sold to the WWF to further help preserve and protect this amazing world we live in.

For more details and to purchase this ebook for the bargain price of just $3.99, click here.

Thank you for your support!

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