Wednesday 10 February 2016

I get it! Granny Squares decoded - and a Pentagon made.

So this year (2016) I've decided to really learn how to crochet.
I've made a start with Granny Squares and decided that I was doing ok with those after making a few, each one a little neater than the one before.

Next I decided to try something new. I'd found this tutorial via Pinterest for making Granny Triangles so thought I'd give that a try.
After a first failed attempt when I'd been confused by the instructions talking about treble crochet. 

I thought treble crochet was a new stitch until I realised (and read the pattern properly) that the pattern was a UK pattern and that UK treble crochet is the same as US double crochet, which is what I'd just learned!
Once I'd got that sorted, the pattern was easy to follow and my new Granny Triangle worked out just fine!

Once I'd made this triangle, I realised that it really wasn't anything new, but simple the same principle and instructions as for a Granny Square, but just 3 corners instead of 4! 
It was a real 'light bulb' moment.

The next day I got up and just had to put my theory to the test, and decided to try making one of these with not 3, not 4, but 5 corners...yes a Granny Pentagon!

I didn't use a pattern, just working from my new knowledge of how to make a Granny Square, but added and extra point and....voila.

Now to those of you who are expert crocheters, this may not seem very exciting, but to me it was! I really have learned something new here - I haven't just learned how to follow the pattern to make a basic Granny square - I understand the pattern and could see how to adapt it to make something new!

Now that I feel like I understand Granny Squares - I thought it was time to get a little creative. So I got a thin crochet hook and some embroidery thread and made myself a pair of earrings!

I feel like I've made a good start to my learn to crochet quest. Time to keep moving forwards onto something other than the Grannies now I think! Any suggestions?

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