Monday 22 February 2016

Mini Pop-up Fabric Baskets

These baskets are so cute, useful and easy to make. 

The larger versions are great as thread catchers for 'travelling' sewing!  But the smaller versions I made are perfect for holding earrings in for safety.  My girls both recently had their ears pierced but have to take their earrings out when they play hockey on the turf a couple of times a week, so I thought they might like one each for that!

I made them using this YouTube video tutorial from AngiesBitsandPieces.  The video is about 12 minutes long and is very clear and easy to understand.  It's mostly made using hand-stitching, only one seam stitched by machine.  I also later found an earlier version of this tutorial in PDF form from Red Hen Fabrics if you prefer a printed and written version!

Here's some photos of mine being made!

The video tutorial I followed uses a section cut from a Pringles can for the top section of the thread catcher, and cardboard for the base.

For batting I used some scraps of fleece.  I love that this project uses all recycled materials and scraps of fabric!
Here's my first one cut out and ready to go!

There was a lot of hand stitching.
The cardboard bases with the batting are covered with fabric stitched like you would stitch a fabric yoyo. The outer fabric drawn up around the card.

These circles are stitched together to form the base of your basket.

Then the rectangle that is the main part of the basket is stitched into a tube using a sewing machine - the raw edges pressed over first, then the seam pressed open.

Next the ring cut from your Pringles can is pushed over this tube into the middle.

Then the tube is folded over the ring, enclosing the ring at the bottom.

The ring is then stitched into place using a simple running stitch.

Then you push the inside of the basket up through the ring and  hand stitch the base to it.

Last of all, you push the base back through the ring and hand stitch it to the other side of the main basket.

And that's your pop-up basket finished! Simply twist and push the base up into the ring to fold and seal!

I made another slightly larger basket using a ring from a drinking chocolate container we'd just finished!

The tiny baskets I made using the plastic rings from the top of plastic milk jugs, just under the lid.

Cardboard circles just smaller than the ring, and the rectangle of fabric 13 x 13 cm (5 x 5 ").

I really like these pop-up baskets.
My girls claimed these four, so I'll have to make more if I want any for myself!

Do you like them too?
Will you try making them?

You could use any firm kind of ring for the top of these baskets - an embroidery hoop, kid's plastic bracelet... the only limit is your imagination!

I'll be linking this post to many of the fabulous linky parties whose pretty buttons and direct links can be found on my linky party page.

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